How to Deal with A Debt Collector

So, for whatever reason, you have found yourself drowning in debt and now the debt collectors are calling. It is so stressful! What are you going to do? How are you going to deal with these nagging, aggressive, abusive collectors? Stay calm. I'm here to help, so let's look at a few steps you can take when dealing with debt collectors. (I am consulting a few places online for information, namely The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. ) First thing you have to do is to find out whom you are dealing with. Is it the original creditor or a collection agency? Usually, before the collection agency calls you, you will be notified beforehand that your debt has been turned over to them. Write down the name and telephone number of the person who is contacting you as well as the company name. Also, be sure to get the amount and other pertinent details regarding the debt owing. That way you can check your records and verify the debt. Tell the collector you will call them b...