STOP The Debt Shaming!

Are you deeply in debt? Is that debt constantly growing and you can't seem to stop it? Are you ashamed that you have gotten yourself into this position?

You are not alone. 73% of adult Canadians have credit cards and the average is 2.2 per household. You might have more - as of October 2014, 72 million Visa and Mastercards were in use in Canada. In December of 2015, spending on these cards increased by 5.29% over the previous December. 

For the last quarter of 2015, spending on credit cards rose 7.16% over the spending in 2014. Credit card debt accounts for 5.4% of total household debt in December of 2014 and 46% of Canadians have credit cards. (source:

1 in 10 Canadians are ashamed of their debt.

Are you 1 of the 10 Canadians who feel ashamed by their debt?

Shame can manifest itself in many ways. Perhaps you don't discuss your debt. At all, with anyone. Maybe you ignore the problem, hoping it will resolve itself. Or you may verbally lash out at anyone who dares mention debt to you.

This is a stressful way to live. Even though you are too ashamed too admit your debt, it weighs on your mind constantly. If you are at work, out with friends or relaxing at home - that stress is always there. It may cause you to do some stuff you wouldn't normally like drink too much alcohol, gamble excessively, eat too much, buy too much stuff you don't really need - all in an effort to feel better.

It doesn't work in the long run. Pretty soon, those negative feelings return causing you to return to the self destructive habits. This in turn can destroy relationships, harm your health and generally make your life miserable.

But you know there is a way out. 

If you feel that you are ready to gain control of your debt, then stop trying to figure it all out on your own and make sure you don’t go another year without gaining control —click here
I might be able to help you by supporting you through the 5-Step Financial Stability program that I have used to get control of my financial situation. click here

To your success, 

Karen Magill 

P.S. It is NOT right for everyone – but if you feel having me working with you almost “daily” & giving you a proven step by step system to follow will help you get your  finances and life back on track then for more details. - click here 


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