Taking It to Court

In 1922, the UK allows equal inheritance. In the US, Rebecca Felton of Georgia, became the first female Senator. She was 87-years-old, a suffragette and activist. Felton only served one day and in that day she called out southern men for an excess of chivalry but a lack of respect for women’s rights. She wrote, “honeyed phrases are pleasant to listen to, but the sensible women of our country would prefer more substantial gifts.” Two years later, Wyoming’s Nellie Tayloe Ross became the US’s first female governor. In 1938, also in the US, the Fair Labor Standards Act wiped out the wage disparity between men and women’s hourly wages with the federal minimum wage. In the UK in 1956, civil service reform gives government workers – both men and women – the right to equal pay. In India in 1961, there was a law passed that banned dowries for women before marriage and allows women to sue if her husband’s family harasses her for money. Sadly, the anti-dowry law goes wide...