Feminine Finance Worldwide

The UK passed the Married Woman’s Property Act and two years later, in Illinois, the freedom of occupational choice was granted to both men and women. Yet, when Myra Colby Bradwell – who studied as her husband’s law apprentice – tried to pass the Illinois bar to practice as a lawyer, the US Supreme Court ruled in 1873 that the Illinois bar didn’t have to grant a license to a married woman.

Mary Gage opened a stock exchange for women who wanted to use their own money to speculate on railway stocks. Meanwhile, the Witch of Wall Street – Hetty Green – was consolidating her own fortune. (In a later entry I want to write about Ms. Green)

If you were looking at France in 1881, you would see that women are the right to own bank accounts, married women received this right five years later. The US didn’t grant the same rights until the 1960s and the UK, not until 1975.

In 1908, Oregon restricted workday hours for females to ten hours – because of course, women were too fragile to work longer hours or needed at home.

First Women’s Bank of Tennessee (Clarksville) opens in 1919. It caters only to women and all the tellers are women. However, the shareholders are male.

In 1921, Alice Mary Robertson of Oklahoma becomes the second woman in Congress. Robertson ran on a n anti-feminist platform, including an opposition to a woman’s right to vote and education on maternity and childcare. She stated ‘I came to Congress for my district, not women’ and showed special scorn for the League of Women Voters  ‘or any other organization that will be used as a club against men’ .  She lost her seat for not appropriating enough cash for her district. Robertson served two years .

I have been writing this series for two weeks now and I have at least another two entries to go – next week. But are you enjoying this history lesson?

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Thanks to The Guardian for this information. 


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