Tomorrow Never Comes

Have you ever said to yourself, ‘I will start the new diet... tomorrow’; ‘I will start my exercise routine ... tomorrow’; ‘I will look for a better job... tomorrow’; ‘I will take action on paying off my debt... tomorrow’. And guess what? Tomorrow never comes! The consequence of this is that we get fatter, less fit, more miserable at our jobs and deeper in debt. I know how this works, I have been there and done it. Until you decide that the pain of staying where you are in life is greater than the pain of making changes, your tomorrow will never come. I have talked before about taking action and deciding to do something is taking action. You could say that making the decision to do something is the first step. The next one is to create a plan, set a definite date to start and stick with it! Don’t get to your start date and push it until later. Start on your start date and even when the road to your goal gets difficult, stay with it. Humans are great procrastinato...