Tomorrow Never Comes

Have you ever said to yourself, ‘I will start the new diet... tomorrow’; ‘I will start my exercise routine ... tomorrow’; ‘I will look for a better job...  tomorrow’; ‘I will take action on paying off my debt... tomorrow’. And guess what? Tomorrow never comes!

The consequence of this is that we get fatter, less fit, more miserable at our jobs and deeper in debt. I know how this works, I have been there and done it. Until you decide that the pain of staying where you are in life is greater than the pain of making changes, your tomorrow will never come.

I have talked before about taking action and deciding to do something is taking action. You could say that making the decision to do something is the first step. The next one is to create a plan, set a definite date to start and stick with it! Don’t get to your start date and push it until later. Start on your start date and even when the road to your goal gets difficult, stay with it.

Humans are great procrastinators and masters at avoiding events, thoughts, activities that makes them feel bad or cause them pain. It is self-protection but in the end, it doesn’t help. Sometimes we have to do things the make us feel bad so that we can emerge feeling better than before. We have to face the pain of change so we can get better whether it is giving up your favourite food, walking 10,000 steps a day, putting yourself out there and facing rejection or curbing your spending – initially it is going to hurt but after a while, you will ask yourself why you didn’t start sooner! Once adjusted, you will embrace your new way of life and once you start seeing positive results, you will get excited and continue this new path.

As that saying goes, don’t put off ‘til tomorrow what you can do today.  

Do you want to learn the 5-step process I used to save myself over $400,000.00 in future credit card interest charges? Then join the 7 Days Towards Financial Stability Challenge either through my Faceboook group or through email. Go to to learn more.


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